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EN 602W - Introduction to Graduate Studies: Seminar in Writing: APA and Citations

APA Perdue Owl

For your papers in this class, you are asked to document your sources using APA format.  The Perdue Owl is a great resource for questions about how to use APA in your paper.  You can also talk to the Writing Center or a librarian about paper formatting.


Mendeley works similar to Zotero and is also a free research and bibliography management tool.


UNA Libraries support the use of Zotero for citation management.  What is citation management?  Zotero will collect the information from all of your sources with a simple click, it will index it, and allow you to organize it in the format you need.  It will even produce your bibliography for you in multiple formats, from APA to MLA.  

You can make an appointment with a librarian to learn about Zotero, or you can watch the following videos for help.