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Module 2 Readings

Do payment programs incentivize shared decision making in US healthcare?
Elwyn, G., Sierpe, A., & Forcino, R. (2023). Do payment programs incentivize shared decision making in US healthcare? Patient Education and Counseling, 113, Article 107798.

Why should we advocate for better communication policies in healthcare?
Rehman, S. U. (2023). Why should we advocate for better communication policies in healthcare? Patient Education and Counseling, 117.

A review of implementation intentions as a tool to benefit high-need patients and healthcare systems: U.S. veterans affairs as an exemplar.
Wright, C. E., Sheeran, P., Voils, C. I., & Blalock, D. V. (2023). A review of implementation intentions as a tool to benefit high-need patients and healthcare systems: U.S. veterans affairs as an exemplar. Patient Education and Counseling, 116, Article 107937.

What does shared decision making ask from doctors? Uncovering suppressed qualities that could improve person-centered care
Pieterse, A. H., Gulbrandsen, P., Ofstad, E. H., & Menichetti, J. (2023). What does shared decision making ask from doctors? Uncovering suppressed qualities that could improve person-centered care. Patient Education and Counseling, 114, Article 107801.

Health Care Policy and Politics
Kreidler, M. L. (2021). Health Care Policy and Politics. Salem Press Encyclopedia.

Reducing uncertainty in evidence‐based health policy by integrating empirical and theoretical evidence: An EbM+theory approach
Pfaff, H., & Schmitt, J. (2023). Reducing uncertainty in evidence‐based health policy by integrating empirical and theoretical evidence: An EbM+theory approach. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 29(8), 1279–1293.

Policy Analysis - Office of Policy, Performance, and Evaluation
Office of Policy, Performance, and Evaluation. (n.d.) Policy analysis. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Economic Evaluation Overview
Office of Policy, Performance, and Evaluation. (n.d.) Economic evaluation overview. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.