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Collier Library's Circulation Policies

Exhibition Content Guidelines

Collier Library provides the opportunity for University-affiliated groups, individuals, and organizations to use various display and exhibit areas within the library as part of its strategic priorities to “Provide Innovative Services & Spaces,” “Establish & Expand Partnerships,” and “Support Campus Research.”  

Exhibition Content Guidelines

  • Exhibition space is primarily held for University-affiliated groups, individuals, and organizations to display research endeavors and findings. All display requests must be initiated by email to the University Librarian. Space is held on a first come, first served basis.  
  • Collier Library maintains the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, which states, “library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.”  
  • Collier Library supports the American Library Association’s recommendation for Intellectual Freedom Principles for Academic Libraries, which states that “Freedom of information and of creative expression should be reflected in the library exhibits and in all relevant library policy documents.” Collier Library affirms academic freedom—no censorship of exhibit materials will be imposed; however, materials that are judged by the University Librarian to be defamatory, willfully false, obscene, blasphemous, inciting racial hatred, or discriminatory will not be approved.  
  •  Collier Library does not provide space for commercial or political purposes, for the solicitation of business, for profit, or for fundraising.  
  • Collier Library does not necessarily endorse the beliefs or viewpoints of topics which may be the subject of library exhibits, even if the library is used in referential promotion of the event, whether library-initiated or sponsored by an individual, group, or organization. 
  • If an opening or event is requested for the exhibition, permission must be granted by the University Librarian for such an event to occur. Additionally, if the event is after-hours, Collier Library must have staff available to host the event. Hosting may necessitate a fee/budget transfer for staffing. 

Exhibition Security

  • Exhibits are often located in high traffic areas whose visibility reduces the likelihood of damage or theft of materials; however, the Collier Library accepts no responsibility for the security or welfare of exhibits at any time, including during transport, installation, or dismantling.  
  • Before an exhibit is installed, exhibitor and the University Librarian representative must sign a release, indemnifying the University of North Alabama from any responsibility for loss or damage. The original signed Displays Release form will be retained in the University Librarian’s office. A copy of the Form will be given to the exhibitor. Insurance coverage, if needed, is the responsibility of the exhibitor. 

Application and Scheduling

  • Collier Library is the sole authority and permission agent for use of its exhibit/display cases and exhibition spaces.  
  • Email the interim University Librarian ( directly to request use of a library display case or exhibition space and to schedule an exhibit/display. This form should be received a minimum of one month prior to the planned display. 
  • Collier Library reserves first right to use its display cases and exhibition spaces. Therefore, the University Librarian reserves the right to delay or deny a requested display if the library already has one planned for the requested time period. 
  • No group is guaranteed regular use of a display case or exhibition space.  

Guidelines for Displays

  • If library directional signage is required for the displays, PDF files of such signage must be provided a minimum of one week prior to the display.
  • Signage requests may require modification.
  • Exhibitors are to provide labels for all items included in displays. Collier Library is not responsible for errors or incorrect information provided.
  • If there is a question regarding materials or exhibit layout, final approval rests with the University Librarian.  
  • Exhibitors are responsible for removing displays at the end of the scheduled period; otherwise, a representative of Collier Library will do so. Exhibitors will then be contacted via email, phone, or mail. But as storage space is limited, unclaimed display items may be disposed of after one month.