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Mane Read 2024: Community


   The Importance of Belonging Across Life by Kelly-Ann Allen, Ph.D. and Dr. Peggy Kern

Image Source: Ben Wicks/Unsplash

Humans are social creatures. Most people have a deep desire to connect with others—not just as peers, co-workers, acquaintances, or Facebook “friends,” but deeply and intimately. We long to feel valued and supported. We long to share our thoughts, emotions, and life with others. And we long to feel needed by others. These desires reflect a fundamental human need to not only be in the physical or digital presence of others but also to belong with them.

 Americans are Less Likely than Others Around the World to Feel Close to People in their Country or Community  

by Janell Fetterolf and Stephanie Kramer

Image Source: Johannes Eisele/AFP via Getty Images

Americans are less likely than people abroad to feel close to others in their country and community, according to a 2023 Pew Research Center survey of 24 nations. This is especially the case among certain groups of Americans, including younger adults, those with lower incomes and less education, those who identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party, and those who are religiously unaffiliated.

 No, You Don’t Need to Go to Holiday Parties If You Feel Lonely by Neha Gajwani

Image Source: Photo by praetorianphoto/Getty Images

Forcing yourself to go out and smile doesn’t actually help you feel more connected.

  Why Telling a Story is the Most Powerful Way to Activate Your Brain by Leo Widrich

Image Source: Tina Mailhot-Roberge

A good story can make or break a presentation, article, or conversation. But why is that? When Buffer co-founder Leo Widrich started to market his product through stories instead of benefits and bullet points, sign-ups went through the roof. Here he shares the science of why storytelling is so uniquely powerful.



Friendship: The evolution, biology, and extraordinary power of life's fundamental bond by Lydia Denworth (2020)

A revelatory investigation of friendship, with profound implications for our understanding of what humans and animals alike need to thrive across a lifetime.

The phenomenon of friendship is universal and elemental. Friends, after all, are the family we choose. But what makes these bonds not just pleasant but essential, and how do they affect our bodies and our minds?

Find it at your local bookstore!