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Interlibrary Loan & Digital Scanning Services

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) for Interlibrary Loan

What can you request through Interlibrary Loan?

It is possible to receive a broad range of materials through Interlibrary Loan including books, articles, documents, videos, music scores, and more. All libraries have different lending policies for their collection, and materials that some libraries are able to share may not be shared by all libraries.


When will the item be available to me?

The time it takes to fill a request depends on the rarity of the material and where it is located. The time needed to search, process, and receive a response for each request is usually between one and three business days. Due to journal embargoes and the nature of circulating books there are no guarantees that your request can be filled, and we will let you know in a timely manner if this is the case. Loan requests located in the Southeast and all items delivered digitally should be available within five business days. Loan requests sent out of state usually take longer to fulfill. The demand for interlibrary loans increases a few weeks before midterms and finals. While our staff always strives to process each request as quickly as possible, some slowdown may occur.


What is Document Delivery?

Any request filled internally, without the assistance of other libraries, is considered a "Document Delivery" request. These could be open/free/institutional access journals, dissertations we acquire directly from the author, scans from books we already own, etc.

Document Delivery requests are fulfilled and provided to the user in the same exact way as interlibrary loans through Tipasa.


Digital vs. physical resources, and distance patrons.

We will always attempt to fill your interlibrary loan request with a digital version (PDF) when possible. This is faster for the patron and reduces the chance of lost/damaged/overdue books. If we cannot fill your ILL request with a digital version, we can request a loan of the physical copy. Distance patrons may be eligible to have physical loans mailed to them. If we can supply an ILL digitally, but the distance patron insists on a physical copy loan, it may not be eligible to be shipped to them.